Fitness Equipment and Apparel
Fitness equipment is dificult to choose. Manufacturers of fitness equipment rely on aggressive marketing campaigns to get your money. We have spent enough time in gyms, designing home gyms for real estate developers, and our own studio that we know exactly which fitness equipment works, and which is a waste of money and time. The fitness equipment that will work BEST is the fitness equipment that you will use. We will keep that in mind when we write these reviews. While this section may seem humorous at times, I think you will find that our advice on fitness equipment, apparel, and gear to be spot-on. These articles are relevant. It would not be prudent for most of us to exercise nude. Unless, of course, we enjoyed long stares and laughter at our expense. We will also discuss equipment such as MP3 players, GPS equipment, heart rate monitors, etc. Anything that can be used to assist or motivate your workout will be reviewed and discussed.
Our reviews of fitness equipment, apparel, and gear are based on personal experience, scientific evidence, and feedback from others. We never receive money for a review! These reviews provide the fairest, most complete, and relevant information that we can provide. Discussions and general articles in this section might take on a humorous tone. We have literally spent thousands of hours in numerous gyms throughout the country. The gym-rats in some of these gyms have provided us with many hours of entertainment. It will be our pleasure to spin these yarns for your amusement. However, the goal of this section is to assist you in selection of fitness equipment.