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Aerobic Fitness At Its Best

Aerobic fitness—why should I care? Trust me, I’m all for skipping cardio workouts. I hate them. But, living in the real world, I know I have to be able to walk up numerous flights of stairs, take my dogs for a run or even a really, really, really long walk. Your heart brings oxygen and nutrients to ever cell in your body. Without it, you die. In essence, your heart is your life, so treat it well.

Cardiovascular fitness is unique for each and every person. My husband could run a marathon tomorrow without training. I run for a few miles and feel like I’m gonna refund my lunch. However, I can swim for miles and not get winded while my husband would quickly become fish food. Everyone is different and you have to find something that works for you.

Now, I know most are only concerned with aerobics as a way to lose weight. This is true. Cardio workouts are part of the fat-burning equation. But, they’re not the end-all-be-all fat-loss solution like many have falsely claimed. You’ll learn a lot more about this in the articles below.

In the articles about cardio, you’ll find information about:

• High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and why it’s better than any other cardio for fat loss
• Why too much cardio will wither you away to nothing…your muscles, that is
• How much cardio is too much
• Cardio workouts indoors as opposed to outdoors
• Why cardio bunnies always look mushy and not fit.

Just because you hate cardio doesn’t mean you don’t have to do it. And, just because you may love cardio doesn’t mean you get to do that as your only workout. There’s a fine balance and I’m going to teach you all about that in this aerobic fitness section.

NOTE: I’m continually adding new articles so please check back often.

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